Membership & Leadership Core Training Intensive

Overcoming Jealousy in the Church & in Ministry

Your ministry is as strong and healthy as your members. This training is vital to the effectiveness and longevity of the work God has called you to steward in the earth!

We can't continue to ignore the issues of the hearts of those who are in our house.

Membership & Leadership Tracks

New Member's Workshop

Perfect for welcoming new members and getting them acclimated, comfortable and connected to the family and culture of your Kingdom ministry!

Leadership Track

Perfect for members who are called to serve and partner in a leadership capacity, to establish, build, steward and sustain the work of the ministry!

4-Week Workshop Intensive

This is a 4-Week Workshop Intensive based on the book, Overcoming Jealousy in the Church and in Ministry.

Why offer this training to your members and leaders?

If you are looking to...

  • Cultivate a Kingdom culture and mindset amongst your members & leaders...

  • Disrupt the cycles and patterns of jealousy both individually and corporately...

  • Bring healing through recognition, repentance and reconciliation...

  • Create the intolerance and vigilance required to dismantle this stronghold...

  • Build & establish unity amongst the brethren through which we will see lasting reform...

  • Bring edification and encouragement to those sent and called to help build and serve in your ministry...

  • Strengthen the dynamics and effectiveness of your ministry as each one gets more divinely and purposefully connected...

  • Establish a deeper familial connection within your church or ministry...

  • Strengthen your organizational toparchy and bridge the gaps as each develops a greater understanding of God’s set order...

  • Bring a cleansing to your organization that starts with the hearts of your members...

  • Bring a refreshing and vitality to your church or ministry that energizes and strengthens team member engagement...

  • Bring spiritual health through the knowledge of the heart of God for His people and Church...

* 4-week workshop also available for online instruction

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